Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Sunday message

I heard a wonderful message at church today. The topic was stewardship, not a popular topic considering most people cringe when money is mentioned within the four walls of a church. I know I have been guilty of cringing many times. Today was not one of those times. The main point of the sermon was the difference between stewardship and ownership involving our possessions. I was gripped by the truth that was presented to me! The idea is that stewardship is believing that everything we have (money as well as children, time, gifts, energy, talents) is fully and completely the Lord's. Ownership is believing that we own these things. I think that if I am honest with myself, I usually have an attitude somewhere in the middle. My thoughts sound something like this, "Lord I want to honor YOU with MY stuff." Wrong! My money and my children (the two things I like to hoard) were never mine to begin with. The Lord has given my husband his health, talents and success which lead to the pay check. And of course, our children have come from Him. Our pastor made an interesting statement regarding this truth. Humbly, he admitted that "his mind was orthodox, his heart was a heretic". In other words, he believes this truth in theory but struggles to live it out. Our pastor is one of the most transparent, honest men I have ever met regarding his sin. He obviously cares more about reaching people for Christ and with the grace of the gospel than what people think about him. I long to be that way, seeing little signs of progress here and there.
This sermon has prompted me to search my own heart for materialism and to look at money differently. Maybe I'll write more as God leads...


Anonymous said...

Quick visit to say thanks for the sweet comment today. I had taken you off my sidebar because I noticed the "comments" had been disabled for a little while awhile back, and I thought maybe that meant "a little privacy, please?" :) Talk about jumping to conclusions!
THEN I lost your address, so I was glad to see your name pop up today. I have enjoyed a few quiet moments reading. Thanks for stopping by.

Wendy said...

So true! This is something I have to constantly remind myself of. What a privilege to be raising these kids for Him.

Thanks for sharing.

RHB said...

Challenging topic but a great one! Do blog more on this one.

Mary@notbefore7 said...

So true. Hope to hear more of your thoughts.

I always thank my parents for the amazing way they demonstrated stewardship with their possessions, time, and us (their kids). I think this was a truth they still live out to this day and it convicts me of my own desire to "protect my stuff" at times.

Thanks for sharing.

Hyperactive Lu said...

Wonderful post. I know that when my Hubbie and I went through our money crisis and got back on track, we both realized that once we began looking at it like HIS money and HIS gifts, the Lord began to bless our situation. Its amazing! :) Looking forward to hearing more!

Olive said...

SO true! Thanks for sharing! After I graduated college a few years ago I struggled with what to do with MY life next. I had gottne this degree and I wanted to go where I wanted. HA!

Thankfully, God reshaped my heart and showed me how to truly look at my life and finances. As a result, I became a missionary for a couple years after college. God used that time to further His kingdom and bless my ministry, not because of me, but, of course, Him. I was beyond blessed because of how He worked in me and shaped my view of tithing and of sharing the Gospel. My money, my future, my life are not MINE. They are His- what a great lesson to come away from college and my first post college job with!

Thanks for sharing- it's fun to hear your heart!