Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pee-pee & poo-foo

**Updated: I KNEW someone would comment about the chocolate chips by the potty. We keep them covered at all times with saran wrap. I took the saran wrap off for the picture, for full potty artillery effect. I am not a germaphobe, per say, but even I wouldn't leave them unwrapped in the bathroom! :) I actually moved the chocolate chips to the kitchen today because we have made great strides. But in the beginning, the visual reward near the potty is a big help!

We've been a little preoccupied with making baby steps to a diaper free home! Or should I say a puddle-free home?The bathroom has been transformed. Isn't the new decor lovely?


Olive said...

I'm sorry. I have to say something.

What is that next to the underwear basket? If it's candy like I think it is, I plead with you to cover it up. Unless you and your kids close the lid each time ya'll flush, you're spreading TONS of germs (and when going #2, fecal material) onto everything in the bathroom.

Usually, not generally a big deal since when was the last time you licked the bathroom counter, right? And with good hand washing, you'll be fine. But, if you have your toothbrushes or God forbid food exposed, those germs (again, and fecal material) go right into your mouth. I'm a tad bit of a germaphone, but I can handle some things- seeing exposed candy freaked me out and I thought you should know, just in case. I had always suspected that not closing the lid was flinging germs everywhere, but then I saw a Dateline and they tested the theory and seriously, it. was. nasty. Sorry if this grosses you out.

Olive said...

LOL! I am SO glad to hear that (re: your update)!!! *whew*

I try not to live all crazy-like as a mild germaphobe, but the toilet seat is a major thing for me b/c of all the germs that are literally thrown into the air on account of the high power flushes toilets have!

Anonymous said...

I am not a germophobe and never thought about high powered flushes but you know something interesting? I live in Europe and we have 2 flush options: small for the insignificant needs and large for high powered needs. So I guess I'm able to subject my family to less germs. Cool! I was going to say that the bowl looked like dogfood- interesting choice for training. Liza is successfully out of diapers but that doesn't make us a diaper free zone any time soon. Great success to you and Lydie! Love, Rebecca