Saturday, August 04, 2007

#2's homeschool plan

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain

This quote will be posted on my refrigerator as I homeschool #2 this year. He is, after all, my precious little adventurer. After buying our materials, I am SO excited to be his teacher this year. #1is enrolled still at a Christian school for first grade. I am dreading the carpool and other time commitments. I have no problem with parental involvement, in fact I would never send him to a school that didn't require the parents to be involved. I am just looking forward to the following year when both the kiddos are in the same place. My man and I were talking about schooling and he firmly decided that after this year of prayer and experimenting, we will stick to whatever decision we make. Next fall, either they will both be at the school and there to stay. Or they will both be homeschooled for the long haul. You mamas of lots of kids that are all over the place, at home and at various schools, I don't know how you do it!

#2 could be in kindergarten this year (bday is August 31st), but if he were in a classroom I would be holding him back for a year. So I decided to purchase kindergarten math, phonics and reading for this year. The perk is that we can take our time, 3 lessons per week. There will be no rush because I can use the next 2 years to finish the curriculum. He is very ready intellectually for the material. He is reading fluently and is a math whiz. He also has an incredible attention span and curiosity. He is a dream student and a joy to teach, by the grace of God. If you are interested, here is what we are doing together. If hearing other plans stressed you, please do not read further! :) This is meant for benefit of those that might get good ideas, not to add stress to a sweet mama's life!
#2's Curriculum
Math-Horizons K
Reading alouds- Reading list from Honey For a Child's Heart/read through nursery rhymes
Phonics-Phonics Pathways
Writing- Practice with dry erase books/ School-Rite

Bible-Big Truths for Little Hearts; My ABC Bible Verses
Units (Science and Art)- Self-made units
Fine Motor- Hand Warm-ups w/beads, lacing, tweezers, blocks, pattern blocks, tying shoes
Gross Motor- karate, bike riding, swimming (in the afternoons with Jaybird)
Music- cds from library
Art technique- Bonnie’s class (our neighbor teaches art and is offering a homeschool class for 4-7 year olds)
Extra- Timothy School (one day a week he will take classes at a homeschool magnet school)

Vocabulary- Wordly Wise K (we will start this later in the year)

Sounds like a lot to you? It sounded like a lot to me, too, until I wrote out time increments. It will be managable when #3 takes her morning nap. He's my go-getter when it comes to sitting and learning. He is usually eager and focussed. I am hoping to work with him from 10-12 just in time to wake up the baby and get #1 at 12:30. Most days we eat lunch at the park or aquatic center. We like to be outside after a long morning indoors. I am hoping to enroll them in karate, swim indoors once or twice a week, and go to the park to play and ride bikes during the afternoon. We also have a playground and lake in our neighborhood. And then we can be at home during the baby's afternoon nap (3:30-5:00) for quiet time (movie, homework, play with toys, play in the yard, etc.). Here is the goal for #2 on school days (Tues.,Wed., Thurs.)
*Bible at breakfast with #1
*Music in the car
15 minutes: Warm-up hands
20 minutes: writing
20 minutes: phonics
15 minutes: Read aloud
20 minutes: math
30 minutes: science/corresponding art project

TOTAL: 2 hours
Monday is art and Friday is Timothy School in the mornings. We have at least one day a month when art or Timothy is cancelled. Those will be field trip days!

All that was inspired by that little Mark Twain quote!


Wendy said...

He sounds a lot like our middle child.

I hope you have a great year together! Your plan looks great!

Anonymous said...

Is that Bonnie from church teaching the class? And when is it? There are so many ways I would love homeschooling. I love the flexibility and the time devoted to the arts. That sounds like a great fit for him.

Hyperactive Lu said...

Sounds great! You writing it up and figuring out your school year, encourages me to continue to plan on teaching Bubbie at home. I think about it and get overwhelmed and just can't decide. I know I don't want to send Bubbie to public school...I just don't see any benefits in our school district. Bubbie is so smart for a 2 1/2 yr old and I don't want his love for learning and his desire to know to be destroyed by having to wait for his classmates, etc. I was thinking about beginning some Pre K work once I stay home- nothing too scheduled,etc. Anyway. Enjoyed your post! Good luck!