Monday, August 20, 2007

A moment of confirmation

Tonight was such a powerful night for me. As I have said before, schooling decisions are laborious for me. I pray about who, where and what they will be taught all year long. It is so important to me! And this year I really felt like the Lord wanted Jaybird at the same Christian school again for first grade. But honestly, I really hadn't seen my decision confirmed in a big way. I have been to all of the beginning of the year meetings and marvelled at the wonderful goals and people and objectives. I have been very happy, but not overcome with joy like I like to feel about education. Tonight I had my moment.

We had our first parent meeting. I sat and looked around at the seven other sets of parents, praying that I would get to know them better this year. The teacher spoke of her family, her classroom discipline plans, her goals, etc. She is lovely and I was very happy. Then the room parents did something extraordinary. They gave us a piece of paper with our child's name on it. We turned it over and wrote out prayer requests for our child. We then switched papers with our neighbor. As I have said, there are only 8 children in the class. And then we prayed. It didn't take more than two precious, loving parents' prayers for the tears to flow. To hear these mamas and daddies pouring out their hearts for the families and children represented brought more emotion than I had the power to with hold! My friend prayed for Jaybird, begging God to help his fine motor skills to improve. Asking God to give him deep friendships with the boys. Praising God for his spiritual maturity and growth and asking God to allow that love for Jesus to spread and be shared with the other children, I sobbed a little. And then she thanked God that we had joined the school, as she personally had prayed that we would. I had such a deep sense of the Body of Christ, of community, of belonging. We are where we need to be. Thank you God for that moment that I have been longing for. My heart is ready to commit fully to this wonderful school!

1 comment:

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Thank you for sharing this. I used this idea with my bible study. Five moms had children beginning kindergarten, so we had them write down specific prayer requests and each of the other 5 moms took the name of one child. I have been praying this week. Thank you for sharing!