Saturday, January 26, 2008

Budget-friendly gifts

If you are ever in need of a nice gift for a friend who needs encouragement, I recommend Trader Joe's if there is one nearby. Yesterday, with my own children and two extra friends in tote I bought this little potted rose and chocolate bar for under $5. It was so affordable that I grabbed an extra potted rose (under $3) for another friend. And Trader Joe's is very kid friendly, with miniature carts and balloons. This gift was exactly what I wanted and within my budget!

1 comment:

AMM said...

I don't know your name, but do you know, I just spent over an hour reading your blog-site! I came across it through a link somewhere, and loved it straight away. I can't believe how similar our family's are! We also have two boys, then a four year break and a little girl who is now 17 months old. And lost a sweet baby in between...
I love how you share your heart so naturally, and thought you might be encouraged to know how it resonates with this mamma in Australia,