Thursday, May 25, 2006


I am overwhelmed right now. We have so much on our plate that I am starting to lose focus on every day living. I have this big rule that I am a much more sane, happy person when I take my life one day at a time. It works well..."tomorrow has enough worries of its own". BUT, I am struggling right now to keep a good perspective.

Here is what we have going on:
1.Baby due in September. Not to have a bad attitude, but I am so enormous right now that I can't help but predict a rough summer.
2.Our house is on the market and we are moving across town this summer. Moving is never fun or easy. I have moved ump-teen times, but never when I was pregnant. Should be a big challenge.
3.I am giving up homeschooling and the boys are enrolled in school for the fall. #1 will go to school where we go to church, there is an awesome K-8 program. #2 will go to Pre-K down the street. His best friend is in his class. I feel a peace about them being in school for next year, but a sadness too. Thankfully they go only 8:30-12:30, #1 is off on Friday and #2 is off on Monday and Friday.
4.My husband is MISERABLE at his job. There are no words to express how bad that situation is for him.
5.This is a little embarassing to admit, but I am really depressed about this weight gain! I feel so ungrateful for saying it because we are so thrilled to be pregnant after all that we have gone through. But I am gaining all over and quickly and I dread the post-partum days. I am going to have to work really hard to get back in shape! Incidentally, I have 16 weeks to go and I now weigh what I did when I gave birth to my first child. Yikes!
6.Okay, even harder to admit, but here kids are out of control! Every time #2 plays independently he gets into something. He tore pages yesterday out of this antique music book that sits on our piano. The music book contains melodies that my man's grandmother wrote when she attended Juliard. My kids are just running amuck since we finished school and there is no routine in the morning. I guess I need a summer routine. The pool opens on Saturday so we will be there mostly every morning. But I can't help but dread that due to having to wear a bathing suit! I would rather have a tooth pulled any day that waddle around in a bathing suit right now!

So I am now reminded of some advice I gave another blogging friend earlier this week that God does not give imaginary grace for imaginary circumstances. Many of my stresses are due to imagining how bad things are going to be that I haven't even experienced. I need to take my own advice, I know. Does anyone else have any words of wisdom?


Wendy said...

I'm not sure about words of wisdom, but maybe encouragement? With my third baby, I got bigger and faster, but I found that the weight came off pretty easily because I was so busy...and nursing helps too I think, if you plan to go that route. Just try to focus on that sweet baby girl. I know it is hard, but, as you know, well worth it.

I think a schedule definitely helps. I just had to do this too because I was noticing my kids were being extra
naughty , usually when they weren't kept busy, or given some kind of structure.

Jennifer said...

Just encouragement here, too! Are you having daily quiet times? I know everything feels much better to me when I am in the groove with morning quiet times...
Hang in there!

Abby said...

i think you were one of the ones that reminded me that no one likes the way their body grows during pregnancy, but just think of the reward :) it's hot now too, so it might be water weight that will come off right away. but that doesn't make it FEEL any better. i think our lives are pretty much parallel right now. i didn't know you were moving too! ugh! try to get a lot of rest when you can. i notice that i eat to boost my energy level when i'm tired (and then my body stores up all those calories!!) as for husband with a miserable job and kids that tear things up, I know exactly what both things are like but I have no idea how to solve the problem!!! i have gone through about six pairs of sunglasses since August came along- he pulls the ear things off every time! at least THOSE are replaceable, I'm so sorry about your book. i have been relying more on tv than usual to keep the kids in one place for 20 to 30 minutes. i know it's not ideal, but i've just been saying this is a season and it's a grace that i have available to me so that i can pack or get a breath. 24 weeks pregnant and moving is not the time to try to be the perfect mom, it's just the best you can do to survive!

Joan said...

Get you a cute suit with a pretty skirt and forget it...and when you add a third, sister, you know to just put away anything you don't want demolished. In attempts to get mom's attention, all's fair in love and war!) Yup! I'm already into summer panic, too. New limit testing, holidays, need for a schedule I don't want...ugh. Hang in there...and read "What to Eat When You're Expecting" (library)...I never followed it, but it did motivate me to eat well.

Jenny said...

Okay, I can really relate to what you are going through. We have a baby due in August and our house is on the market. We just moved this past weekend to a different town where my husband took a pastorate. We have to buy a bigger vehicle before #3 comes and then we'll be house hunting and hopefully buying a house soon. My two boys are also driving me crazy and I have gained way more than I should have in this pregnancy (my last check up I had gained 4 pounds in 2 weeks and I am well on the way to doing it again for my next check up). Sound familiar? As far as the kids go, a routine in our house is definitely important. Things go much smoother when we can have book time, color time, play time, rest time, etc. and things are fairly constant from day to day. Of course that goes out the window when you are packing and moving!