Wednesday, May 31, 2006


We have had so much fun preparing for sweet #3. Above is a picture of all the clothes that have been given as "hand-me-downs" from friends and family. We have bought 3 dresses, but the rest has been given out of love and excitement. Can you believe that? I am overwhelmed by how much she is loved and prayed for already. I am enamored by the way her brothers think of her and protect her, even now. I absolutely can not wait to meet her.

Here is what the boys had to say about her at dinner last night:
#1:Mom, I can't wait for the fall (autumn) for you. Then you won't be so uncomfortable or get so hot! And you'll feel so good when we meet our baby.
#2:And Mama. My baby's coming out of my po-po soon, guys! Did you hear me? It's gonna be comin' soon!

Leave it to #2, right? I can't imagine having two older brothers. I had one that I completely adored...but two? She is a prized possession already to them. They already have their opinions of how to "parent" her. #1 insists that we "not feed her breastmilk, but formula" because "there are hearts on the can and she will love that!" He also has opinions about what she can and can not and green are out for her because, afterall, she is a girl! I think about how blessed she will be to enter into a family where we all want and love her so incredibly much. She is truly our sweet joy!


terrible speller said...

oh I just love baby girl clothes. I love the name

terrible speller said...

oh I just love baby girl clothes. I love the name

Wendy said...

How wonderful to get so many clothes from others. I like how the boys are already thinking so much about their sister. My son was 4 1/2 when his second sister was born (he is the oldest) and we had similar conversations. He has been a wonderful big brother, it is so neat to see that. How fun that she will have 2 brothers to look after her.

Kate said...

Wow - talk about being showered by God! What wonderful friends you have! (I want to send you a silky so you'll have to email me your address!). Having babies is just the best thing in the world! (Well, except being big and bloated during summer months! Man I feel for ya!)