Thursday, May 18, 2006

Random thoughts on a funny day

*Who invented the food tray, anyway? It is a marvelous idea for picky eaters like mine who don't want their food to touch! I got these at Wal-Mart for 97 cents!
*#2 prayed his newest prayer that makes me laugh and I quote, "Dea-uh Jesus, Tank you for dis day. Tank you for someting. In Jesus name, Amen." It's so heartfelt, too.
*I had to pull an enormous tick off of #1 today in an oh-so-sensitive area. He asked after screaming for ten minutes over the approach of the tweezers in such a private area, "Did it suck the life out of "it"?"
*Saw turkeys in the library parking lot. That was interesting.
*For those of you who REALLY put off cleaning your oven, like me, I found the cure. Easy Off Oven Cleaner...Fume Free! You spray it on and in 2 hours wipe everything away easily with a warm rag. I had been smelling the burned food from the bottom of the oven for weeks. This little chore took no longer than 10 minutes once the spray had settled for a few hours!
*On a more disgusting note, my man scaled a few fish and put them in the back of the bottom shelf of the frig, unbeknowst to me. I found them when I returned Tuesday from being out of town for 4 days. Then I remembered that he said he was going to "throw away the fish that he caught because they had been left in the cooler over night". I should have known that he wouldn't throw away a prized catch. So I came home to week old fish that were spoiled to begin with. There is no way to express the smell in my frig. I used soap and water, clorox, baking soda. I still smell it a little. Thankfully, the other food does not taste like the smell. But I did go through the produce and zyplock everything. This task of de-funking the frig has been the smelliest chore that I can remember around here since #1 had chronic toddler diarrhea! I think this may be the first time in the history of our marriage that I have had a clean oven and a clean frig simultaneously. There's always a silver lining, I guess.


terrible speller said...

Every time I thought about the tick story it gave me a giggle all throughout the day.

Anonymous said...

Fume-free, eh? I definitely will put that on my shopping list. I am so allergic/sensitive to everything. My hubby will be soooo happy!

Hope you have a great day!