Thursday, May 04, 2006

Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries

This picture represents my point today. I have found that parenting is full of seasons of obedience and disobedience, much like my own walk with Christ. It just so happens that right now my older son, #1, is full of conviction and joy. He is a delight to parent. He "gets it". In fact, my Dad called me Tuesday night after spending the weekend with just the kids at the beach and went on and on about what a blessing #1 was, how grateful and obedient he was, and how "special" he is. Dad was pridefully choked up just talking about it to me.

My little one, #2 is so sweet and loving as well. I adore him. But he is not "getting it" like big brother right now. He does NOT appreciate boundaries. He has more of a free, independent spirit. He is NOT motivated to please people, i.e. Mommy. Yesterday he had a day marked with rebellion. Here's the scenario...I am not a mommy that let's my kids run around when I am shopping. I don't judge those who do, but I am too worried about all the potential dangers. They stay in a cart. They really don't know any differently so it has never really been a big deal. Well yesterday we "ran in" to just get "one thing". It took me close to an hour to pick out the one thing. **Okay, I confess, I was looking at baby dresses!** Any way, #2 wanders off and climbs onto a shelf with exersaucer boxes. He made a tunnel and crawled through the boxes. I could not find him. I called his name for several minutes and began to get frantic. Finally, I heard him quietly confess where he was. He was whispering, "I just in my clubhouse, Mama!" I had to spank his hand, HARD, right there in front of everyone, i.e. all the other mommies who were already looking at me like I was the bad mom who lost her kid! Ugg! Then we come home and every time I ask him to do something he would reply, "I don't weally want to do dat." Ugg!

So now I am left to pray for little #2. He is so endearing that I can't feel defeated or discouraged. I am feeling like the Lord is saying, "Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries!". So I will keep drawing a line in the sand, he will probably have a few days of crossing that line and being disciplined. But I have faith that God will soften his little heart. When I find myself in situations like this where I am exasperated with one of my children's willful disobedience, I am reminded of how Jesus must feel with me some days! Thank you Jesus for your grace and steadfast love for me, a little rebel as well!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I loved this because I can so relate to it. My kids are similar to what you described these days. It is a really good reminder of how Jesus must feel about us at times. Thanks for putting it into perspective so well.