Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer Bucket List

Things we want to do before summer kicks the bucket:
~MOVE TO THE FARM! (But first sell our house!)
~Learn two new card games
~Buy a new board game
~Play at the water park
~Trip to the beach
~Get the trolley tour of down town
~Climb a nearby mountain
~Read 150 books (total for all 4 readers in our family)
~Play in the water fountains downtown
~See an outdoor movie at the park
~Go to a free summer morning movie in the theatre
~Camp out in the back yard (or the family room if the mosquitoes are awful)
~Take 2 friends to VBS
~Visit the local nursing home a couple of times each month with home-made gifts
~Ride bikes together
~Have friends over to swim in our pool
~Catch fish in the creek at the farm
~Continue our morning prayer/devotion routine. Every day at His feet!!
~Race dunebuggies at the farm
~Subscribe to Netflix Instant Streaming
~Earn our green belt in karate (boys)
~Catch fireflies and use them for night lights
~Have a slumber party
~Play mini golf
~Have a picnic by the water
~Buy a new Wii game
~Go to Wednesday nights at the park (Live music)
~Make rootbeer floats
~Pick blueberries at the local farm with friends
~Continue with our garden
~Jaybird and Mommy hope to have a special trip here to celebrate J's birthday in July.
~Visit grandparents
~Ballet camp for Lydie
~Use the canoe at the lake
~Spend every Tuesday night with friends (that's for Mommy!)
~Take that sewing class Andy bought me for Christmas
~Date each other (kids & parents) on Fridays
~Finish reading our last 8 history stories
~Write to grandparents
~Celebrate the end of the history book with dinner at Medieval Times restaurant
~Buy a telescope and look at the stars at the farm
~Giving GLORY to God together!
I am SO excited about this new season! This is a fun list and really none of it is a must. These are all just wishes. Frankly, we need free time to learn and play at our leisure SO badly! Yay SUMMER! Praise God for His wonderful design.


Tiff said...

Come visit us!

Jennifer said...

Love this idea! What a fun summer you have ahead of you. Enjoy!