Monday, May 10, 2010

Encouragement: Mother's Day

As usual, my husband gave me a special day. It involved church, a french restaurant, a nap, and a picnic dinner with a family movie. All my favorites. In essence, it was a big day of rest. They each made the sweetest cards, and I received flowers that proved they know me well. (white basket, yellow flowers, sweet message) Today I woke up feeling celebrated and honored. What a way to start a week!
I love the gift of words. So, not surprisingly, one of the most touching parts of my day involved them. While we were waiting on lunch, the kids went around the table and named three things they love about Mom. We do this little activity on birthdays, too. Our answers change year to year and it's so, so encouraging. I don't think they ever said I was fun or creative until this year. That was interesting to me. Kids are so forgiving and gracious.
For 2010, here are the three things my kids love about me:
J : ~I love that you make art.
~You have fun with us.
~You are sweet to us.
T: ~I like that you are creative, too. I like your art.
~You are fun.
~You take good care of me.
L: ~ You teach us lots of things.
~ You are sweet.
And here are three from me to my Mom:
~You are very determined once you make up your mind to accomplish something.
~You are incredibly patient with all of us.
~You spent my entire childhood giving endlessly of yourself. Thank you!!
And for my Mother-in-law:
~You are a very good listener and encourager.
~You are forgiving and empathetic.
~You have the gift of hospitality and we thank you so much for hosting us so many times!

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