Friday, June 12, 2009

Deep breaths

I finally got my act together yesterday. My friend read my post yesterday about all my craziness, and offered to have my kids over for the morning. Keep in mind, she has one daughter that is getting ready to head to college. This was not an "I'm watching my own kids any way, what's 3 more?" kinda offer. She took her quiet, clean, peaceful house and filled it with my bunch. Wow, that's servanthood! I like to call her and some of her friends my "torch bearers". I just creep through the uncertain, dark paths of motherhood and look ahead to these fabulous examples that shine the light for me. What a blessing!! Thank you, Michele!

With her help, I finished our portfolios, gathered all we needed for our reception, and made our (very home-made looking) costumes. I invested $30 on materials, and we used scissors, a hot glue gun, and safety pins. The boys will wear these costumes when they give their history reports for family tomorrow. Now, that I look at the pictures, I see the costumes are a little lop-sided. We'll have to pull out the scissors again. Can you guess who is their favorite historical figure from the year?

(If you guessed King Tut and Joseph, give yourself a pat on the back.)

Then after dinner, I ran to church to make tie-dye t-shirts with the high school girls. I'm excited about another year of volunteering as a discipleship leader beginning in the fall.
Today I am preparing myself for an entire morning of packing. We have not packed anything (for a 10 day trip that starts in 4 hours)! And then, after lunch...we are off!!

1 comment:

RHB said...

Hope you have a great trip!