Sunday, June 21, 2009


Our reception and vacation were wonderful beyond my expectations. But, it is such a warm feeling to come home after 10 days away! I had time alone with each of the kids, as well as my husband on this trip to the beach. AND, I had time alone with myself. More about that later. But for now, here are a handful of pictures that describe our little family.

**We had an hour wait at a restaurant last night, and we let the kids play with my camera. We laughed until our bellies ached. I can't imagine the fools we made of ourselves in the middle of the Red Robin with our booth flashing over and over again from the pictures. It was one of my favorite vacation memories.

We are...

easily tickled,

complete goofballs,

the parents that make fools of ourselves to entertain our kids,

reel smart,

a closely knit little bunch,

affectionate (she's blowing us a kiss),

not skeered to eat,

Very, very happy!

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