Monday, January 08, 2007

Winter wonderland

"The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; there is no voice heard; yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world." Psalm 19:1-4

We just returned from 5 days in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. This trip was just a blast for all of us, mainly because we live in the South where snow is hard to come by. My kids have only seen snow once or twice in their lives until now! We enjoyed 2-6 inches of fresh snow each morning, which was magical to us! Snow just seems to breed peacefulness and solitude, I love it!

Thanks to the generosity of my parents, we were able to watch our children enjoy many new things in addition to the beautiful, long snow showers. They also rode snow mobiles, a horse-drawn sleigh, sleds, snow tubes, skis, a snowcoach through Yellowstone where they saw Old Faithful and they observed dog sleds. They saw elk, moose and wolves for the first time. Our condominium was on "the slopes" and brand new. It was so wonderful to not be cooped up in a hotel together, but instead we each had a room of our own. We had daily snow ball fights and there was great shopping. Coffee never tasted so good!

The trip was seemingly perfect until our plane ride home. I'll save that post for another day. What an adventure! As usual, I am in awe of God's handiwork. The Rocky Mountains certainly do proclaim his majesty.


Wendy said...

That sounds like a great vacation! I'm so glad you were able to go.

We usually have lots of snow here by now, but have only had a couple inches all winter.

Tammy said...

Hi...visiting from Showered by Grace...
These are beautiful photos and looks like a wonderful vacation!
I'm a home school mom of two little girls, 4 and 7, and we live in Oregon (where it's all just wet stuff coming down.)
Congrats on your baby girl...I scrolled down and she is such a cutie!
Stop by my place anytime...

RHB said...

Interesting that we have the same verse for our after Christmas, snowy mountain blog,and the same blog template, and we both ordered a turkey sandwich at Mama Goldberg's :)I love it! Glad you had such a wonderful trip! My love to all the Whortons and the Godbeheres!

Renee said...

After being there just a few months ago, I feel like I can see everything you did and makes me want to return so bad...well, minus the trip home.