Friday, January 12, 2007

Awesome faith

After my pity party, I read this blog entry. This precious family gave birth to a beautiful, healthy boy in July. By August he began a series of symptoms that ultimately lead to his death this morning. The family has no idea what lead to his illness. PLEASE read this entry. It is short, but is the strongest testimony of faith that I have ever read about. It puts Elisabeth Elliot, Billy Graham, whoever to shame!

Of course I am now very saddened and convicted by the state of my own heart. I am sad about a precious, healthy baby who cries in the car and not getting to paint my dining room? Give me a break, what a sign of an ungrateful, selfish sinner! This family's story has shown me what a waste sulking and whining can be! It takes so much energy and forethought and time away from living a life of worship and praise and fulfillment and joy. I am so indebted to Noah and his story and his mommy and daddy and their willingness to pour out their hearts in the midst of a seemingly horrendous situation. Pray for them today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. I have been praying for them and following the story of Noah from the beginning, along w/their parents amazing love and faith. It has definitely put things into perspective for me.