Sunday, January 14, 2007


We may have found a cure to little Miss I-Hate-the-Car girl. (See my previous poop post for reference!) My man just happened to turn the public radio station on when he was driving the kids home from dinner Thursday night. (Where was I? In his car, taking a break from the afformentinoed little Miss...) I don't feel the love for public radio, but he does. I am so glad, because it just so happened that jazz was on. Soft jazz. And she fell in love.

I LOVE JAZZ!!! I haven't heard a peep from her in the car for three solid days. Three days, ya'll! So I bought the "Relaxing Jazz"cd from Target. Do your kids love to stop at that cd stand where you can here samples by pressing the pictures? My kids love that and my little #1 was the one who mentioned that we could purchase jazz there. She has been quiet as a mouse ever since. It's bizzare to look in the rear view mirror and see her in her baby mirror just looking around contently. Wow, she has a mind of her own!


Paula said...

Yea for peace!!!

Kate said...

Music can be magic! Looks like jazz is magic!