Sunday, January 21, 2007

#1 asks about S*X

My #1, he's a talker. Seems like there's a kid like him in every family. I was the one in my family, and I guess he got the gene from me. He just loves to talk. We had his IQ tested a couple of years ago and his vocabulary was in the genius range. Hillarious. And as I have mentioned, he loves to read. Well, today at church we got a special flyer entitled, "S*x and the gospel". Apparently, our pastor has felt lead to teach a two night seminar on topics such as p*rnography, hom*sexuality, and how the gospel describes biblical se*uality. I am thrilled because I think this topic is quite often swept under the rug and many people suffer as a consequence of humiliation and ignorance. Anyway,#1 saw the pamphlet and read it out loud and said, "S*x and the gospel? I thought you said you didn't like s*x!" My husband spewed his drink all over the car and was hurting he was laughing so hard. I almost said, "You are definitely mistaken...I love s*x!" :) But instead, I said, "Do you even know what s*x is? And who told you that I didn't like it?" He reminded me of the time we were watching TBS and we saw an ad for S*x and the City and I dodged his question of "What is s*x?" by saying, "I really don't like that show. Let's change the channel so we won't see that ad again." This kid never forgets a thing!

So here we are, my son doesn't think I like s*x and wants to know exactly "WHAT IS IT?" His Daddy and I are at a loss for words. Then my husband says, "It is something really good that God created for a man and a woman who are married. You are too young to know all about it. But in 5 or 6 years we will be talking about it a lot. You'll learn plenty about it then." He seemed to be okay with that answer.

Another funny #1 quote was tonight when I came into our room only to find three fruit chews wrappers scattered on my bed. I turned to him and reminded him that my bed was not a trash can. As he picked up the wrappers to throw them away he said, "I know Momma. Sorry, I'm just a guy, I guess." He may not know the meaning of s*x, but he can appropriately define the meaning of "a guy"! :)


RHB said...

Those quotes are priceless! I can just imagine the two of you dying out laughing in the front seat. Way to go, A, with a quick and wise response!

Paula said...

That is os funny. Your husband handled that very well. Sounds like he is a little ham.

Kate said...

That is hillarious! Great answer for his age. It's true, you will be talking about it alot in about 6 years... ugh! (Can I just say THANK GOD for Focus on the Family and their priceless resources!!)