Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Picking blueberries

Today we went to the blueberry patch. I was a little concerned because we sent out a mass email and only girls that are Lydie's age were available. Normally we play with kids the boys' ages. But the boys were up for the challenge and helped and played just fine with the younger kids. Surprisingly, Lydie was the toughest trouper about the heat. But all in all, every one had fun and now we can look forward to blueberry pie and smoothies and waffles for the next few weeks! Blueberries are like the flavor of summer wrapped up in pretty blue packages. I love them!


Alicia K said...

Any great blueberry recipes you are willing to share? We are doing blueberry/peach cobbler tomorrow night.

Tiff said...

Blueberries are so happy! But I'm not much for the heat without shade or water...