Thursday, July 09, 2009

Am I a push-over?

My Toot keeps me on my toes. He has performed many a "science project" around the house over the years. Some could have been life threatening like trying to make instant oatmeal by putting the entire package in the toaster (age3). Some have been unattractive, but not harmful. Like when he dug half a dozen holes in the front yard just to "test the shovel" (age 5). And others have been just plain funny, like when he has taken apart house hold objects just to "exercise the screwdriver". And he has concocted more magic potions than I could document in a cookbook.

Today he had two little adventures worth documenting. The first is a repeat offense. He cut his hair. No biggy, we just got a hair cut yesterday and he chose a lock of hair on top of his head. But, why? And the other was a little more radical. He stuck a kitty in the frigerator. I have no idea why, but his reason was "to cool her off. I was going to get her in a minute." And then, he always says, "I am so sorry, Mom. I just wanted to find out....)
The big problem is I love his curiousity. I have got to be more firm with him, but it's a real struggle for me because these moments in the day CRACK ME UP. He is so affectionate and easy going. And besides, it's really hard to keep a straight face when you're looking into these eyes...
Note the new hair cut. He insisted on a "spike in the front". It suits him!

1 comment:

Amy said...

That is sooooo funny!!! I am still laughing.