Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My brother- What a guy!

Last weekend we were with family while Andy traveled to California for a work trip. I am left this week thinking about how thankful I am for my brother and his family. I feel so blessed to receive so much in my relationship with each person in their family. It is amazing and beyond what I could have imagined as a newlywed (or younger) to be a Mom with children, and sharing this adventure with my brother. We each have 3 children- all three born within a year of one another. Each of his kids are delightful and bright. He and his wife love the Lord and live passionate, fulfilling lives. It is a fun experience to be a part of.

My brother is an interactive, thoughtful uncle. Just this weekend he took Jaybird fishing, along with his own son. He held Lydie throughout shopping trips and dinners. It is entertaining to watch him fight for her affection and attention. I am amazed at how he takes the time to talk with and get to know each of my kids, in spite of the fact that all of his kids are still young, too.

I could have never imagined we would be raising our children together and it would be this wonderful. I am very proud of his wife, his children, and especially him! I don't want to forget the email he sent me last week. Not only are his words extremely meaningful and encouraging to me, but I was more touched that he took the time to express them to me. He could have just left these words as thoughts, but he told me. This short paragraph was used as fuel for several very weary days I had last week. What a gift he is to me!

"For some reason I was thinking about Jaybird last night and what a great kid he is. He is kind, loving, respectful and most of all he loves the Lord. What a great job you've done as parents. Oh yeah, your little ones are great, too. Anyway, God laid it on my heart to let you know. ___ has a boy scout catfish rodeo on Saturday from 8am to 1pm. If you want me take Jaybird and Toot I can. It is at the catfish ponds by the new Target in ____. I may ask Dad to go as well. Let me know. We love you,____"


Tiff said...

Love hearing about how your brother is doing. My big memory of him is when we spent the night in the dorm room next door b/c we were in Auburn and no place to stay. That cracks me up now!

Bloom Where You Are Planted said...

It's fun to hear a little about your brother! I am so glad that you have him and his family to encourage, support and love each other! What a beautiful blessing!

I am so sorry to heat you had a difficult week last week. I hope things are looking up for you so far this week. :) Hang in there, sweet friend!