Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our week at VBS

Tomorrow wraps up our last day of VBS. Wow, it has been exciting and exhausting.
*My friend, Alicia, and I were in charge of morning and afternoon skits and group time. Alicia nominated me to be the quirky "Professor Wilma" in the skits. I had to trip, scream, jump and act generally crazy in front of an audience of 150 children and my closest friends. Funny thing, I actually came to enjoy it by mid-week.
*My Jaybird shared the gospel, in his own little way, with a Jewish friend in his group. It went something like this, "Hey buddy...Just wondering if you believe in Jesus?" To which his friend replied, "Dude! Yeah, I know about Jesus. But I'm also a little Jewish." Jaybird responded, "Can you kinda be Jewish and kinda be a Christian?" And the banter went on and on... By yesterday, Jaybird seemed to believe his friend generally received Christ as his Savior. What a blessing for him to witness!
*Toot tells me in the car yesterday, "Hey Mommy! God has a special house made for me in heaven. Jaybird, what will it look like, do ya think?" Jaybird says, "I don't think it says in the Bible....but I hope mine is retro." Toot looks confused, as if to wonder, "What the heck does retro mean?" And then he responds, "I want mine to be covered in stickers."
*Another interesting conversation with little Toot, struggling to process. "Mommy, did Moses and Noah die on a cross, too? What about the Israelites?" Not sure what he was thinking!?
-Picture on left: Daddy couldn't help at church, so he volunteered to cook three dinners for us this week. (At the end of a day of juggling three jobs.) Wow, what a man!
-Picture on right: Jackson is elated to start another day of VBS!

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