Monday, July 21, 2008

Notes from my Bible study

Too exhausted too write anything new. But, remember this Bible study? Maybe I'll just post a little bit each day this week from that study, as well as random pictures from our day that have nothing to do with the topic, like the one to the left of Toot focused on a video game at Chuck E. Cheese.

Title: Cultivating a heart of worship in the day to day: A love offering to the God of my salvation

"No distinction was made between the sacred and the every day...their life was all one piece. It was all sacred and all ordinary." Sue Bender

Intro notes (in bits and pieces): This is my desire for you and for me, to view the ordinary as sacred and worshipful. To not just talk with the Lord when we need Him, or just acknowledge Him when we see a sunset or a baby or our hearts are stirred. But to commune with Him, worship Him, like we breathe the air. To make our very existence intertwined with seeking His glory. We can certainly not attain perfectly worshipful lives this side of heaven. I am a complete failure at loving God the way that I want to and the way He deserves. But we should long for it as we grow in our relationship with Him. Even though our righteousness was perfectly accounted for on the cross, we can grow in holiness. Or as I have heard, "Once you see the face of God, the world is forever transformed into His features." (Peter Kreeft) But how does this transformation take place in the individual life of the believer?

-I divided this idea of moment-to-moment worship into nine components. Let's look at each one as rungs on a ladder; the ladder leading to the heights of pleasure we can receive from seeking to honor Him in all that we do.
-Notes from the first and second rung tomorrow...


Bloom Where You Are Planted said...

Oh!! I can't wait to hear!!! :) This is fantastic!! I am so excited to learn more about how we can worship God all the time as we breathe in and out...

How are your nights of sleep going? How is VBS? I'm praying for you, my friend!

I came across this poem a few days ago in my day by day calendar and thought it flowed nicely with your thoughts...

~ "There is beauty in the sunlight and soft blue beams above. Oh, the world is full of beauty when the heart's full of love." ~ Author Unknown

Anonymous said...

This sounds wonderful.

I am on the wic council this year again and we are in the midst of a crisis of sorts, along with a drastic change in leadership.

Women's ministry has inherent strengths - and inherent weaknesses. I'm afraid that through the years we have not been alert to those weaknesses. I am rather dreading our next meeting...
but God has each of us there for a purpose. You can pray with me, if you think to, that God's will would be accomplished in a loving, gracious way come next week. And that He would be guiding our year - and that we would be content to humbly wait for his timing.

By the way and on another subject, our vbs this week was called Olympiad and I think it's been done to death around here! It's very reformed, but boy, if you wanted, you could blow out the stops with its details! Live and learn. We managed to tweak it to fit our needs and resource levels. We are far from being a program driven church, so everything seems to require tweaking these days, it seems. Any suggestions for next year from your end?