Monday, December 03, 2007

Be encouraged

Since school began for Jaybird in the fall, I have been more than overwhelmed. Trying to balance the fine line between being honest and transparent with my struggles versus complaining has been hard for me. I tend to assume my problems are due to my attitude or my lack of faith or my sinfulness and I don't share my heart. But recently I have discovered that in this case, I just simply have too many responsibilities. I continue to plug along and pray (and request prayer from a few faithful friends) as I figure out what gives. But today was almost unbearable. I am completely overrun. As I drove the kids to Jaybird's school this morning (30 minutes late), I was numb with exhaustion and needed a good cry. Somehow, the tears didn't come.
On the way home, my husband called me to see how I was surviving. I know he has his own responsibilities and set of problems, who doesn't? But I outlined what I was juggling and how I absolutely could not do it all. Later I found a note from him on my pillow. His words uplifted me emotionally so much that I wanted to share his words with you all just in case you need to hear them, too. I hope you will be encouraged! Here are a few excerpts:
"You are not laying up many treasures here on this earth. This is the truth...but with every folded Spider-Man underwear, with every stir of a pot of green beans, with every spray of the water bottle on Jaybird's morning bedhead, and every foot that you drive to school you are dropping off treasure in your heavenly bucket. You are doing these things not because they are fun- but because God has called you to a life of motherhood- the hardest, most unrecognized, lifelong career in the world. This is a calling for the strong, the weak can't do it. This is a calling for people with integrity- because absolutely nothing is done where people are watching. Rather, it is done in the mundane, day to day funk that we call life. And you know what? You do it well! So rejoice! God is watching you. He is proud of you and He is taking notice. You are doing God's work and you are doing it well. I am just happy to be connected to you. Hang in there. I love you beyond everything visible. You make my day. Every day. Believe it!"


Wendy said...

What a guy! We all need to be reminded of this from time to time. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

super super sweet!

Paula said...

That is precious. Read that note all the time and remind yourself what God thinks of what you are doing and your husband too.

Jackie said...

He is so right.

I'm glad he's encouraging you.

I wanted to add a few words of encouragement, too. These years that you have before you are HARD, there is no denying it, but you do them well, you finish them well, and the rewards are AMAZING!

Those precious kids will get bigger. They will. Really. And you won't have to do so much physical work and you'll get full night rest again some day. Really.

I remember people telling me that they would eventually grow up, and I would not even believe them. But it's true. My kids aren't grown up and out of the house yet, but they are a lot bigger than they used to be and can do so much more for themselves. And I'm reaping the rewards more and more each day.

I also was told, when they were little, "Wait until they are TEENAGERS . . . then you'll wish they were little again.

I'm here to tell you that teenagers are WONDERFUL. I love them so much. Don't let those kind of words discourage you. You are getting your arrows ready to shoot off into the world. Hang in there, sweet mom. You're doing a FANTASTIC job!

And get your naps in, when you can!

RHB said...

What an encouragement your husband is! That is so wonderful. I am teary eyed too! It's encouraging to me too as I am here with a sick child and several challenges in my home today. Thanks for sharing that.

Anonymous said...

Priceless... and encouraging to all of us. It's so kind of him to take the time to WRITE those words. We should all do more of that in this age of telephone and email. It's something tangible to hold onto and go back to time and again. Lovely.