Monday, May 07, 2007

Terrible and lovely surprises

After 48 hours of complete bed rest, I am slowly joining the land of the living. I went to bed on Friday night feeling a little weird. I woke up Saturday morning, and SURPRISE I had a high fever, aches, chills, and sore throat and head. The diagnosis was a "yucky" case of strep throat. I always forget just how awful it is to be sick! Thankfully, my mom arrived on Sunday to help!
Thank you, dear friend, for the package! It was a great surprise this afternoon, and we all had to go ahead and see the bikini on the baby. I could kiss every little dimple and roll. We love the bibs and outfit, too.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh. Yuck. Sorry you were sick all weekend. I saw Andy and the kids at church, and figured you must have been inside still. But instead you were at home, sick and icky. But you were alone, right? That's always a nice little Mom-perk:)

Let's get together again soon. Anna misses her boyfriends...

MorningSong said...

It is great that you had some help! There is nothing worse than being sick with kids! Glad you are feeling well again! Cute bikini! haha

Kate said...

awww she is sooo cute in her little suit. glad you are feeling better! hope no one else gets it!