Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My hero

I had the honor of hearing my husband deliver the commencement speech at a high school graduation last week. His speech was amazing. After leaving a very successful consulting company to start his own company and pursue his dreams, he has much passion about listening to the Lord, stepping out in faith, and dreaming big. He also knows first hand the enslavement of fear. He spoke on these things and delivered the most inspiring message to these young, bright eyed kids.

As I stood in the back of the room (with two wiggly boys and a baby bouncing on my hip) I was overwhelmed with pride. Literally, bubbling over. It felt like my husband was the president of the United States or a movie star on the red carpet. I looked around for a minute as my chest swelled. "This is MY man!", I thought. I felt so humbled and undeserving. Then I looked down at my boys and prayed and hoped that they will grow up with his faith, determination, and warmth. God has been so gracious in giving him wisdom, intelligence and an attractive quality that makes him impossible not to like. I stepped out of myself for a minute, in disbelief that this man chose me! He is a prize. I am so proud of him! My prayer for him is that God would continue to captivate his heart and draw him in. My husband, my hero.


Kate said...

Oh that is SOOO sweet!

MorningSong said...

I love this! What a blessing to have a godly man. I can't imagine any other option. I am glad you had that moment and I am sure it won't be the last! Many blessings to you.