Monday, April 27, 2009

Flat Stanley

I have loved the Flat Stanley series. Not only did we read the books, but we also saw the play, too! Today Toot finished the books and made his own "Flat Joshua". He will mail it to a few relatives to travel around the world like Flat Stanley. But before we mail him away, Toot wanted to show him the neighborhood. Jaybird and Lydie joined in and made their own versions, as well. This book series marked a big milestone for Toot. Although he has been reading chapter books since Christmas, these were the first that I let him read quietly and then narrate to me. We usually alternate reading pages to one another. But he read independently and comprehended beautifully. He has been reading through Jaybird's Boxcar Children book set and The Magic Tree house series at bed time. It is so amazing to see him come downstairs in the morning with his latest book. I can't wait to see what first grade holds for him! Pictured above: our new little friend and Toot, the kids tried to see if their little friends could take a trip down the sewer- what a disappointment!

1 comment:

Alicia K said...

Glad to see you are getting back to a normal routine. We love Flat Stanley!