Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Being imitators of Christ

A few excerpts from Ann's "Draw God" from this week. Go and read the rest!
"God first stretched flesh over Himself in the person of Christ and came among us to show us how to make the God-life come to life. He brought the God canvas close so we might see it, live and in color, that we too might imitate. And now His Spirit perpetually stretches skin over Christ-in-us to show our children, the world at large, how to animate the canvas of a soul with the same God-life. We, who imitate Him, bring our God-canvas close, so others too might imitate."
"I wonder what my children are copying from the life modeled in the daily gallery of my heart, this home? Draw God. Incarnate Jesus. Imitate His Spirit. They're copying our life-canvas. "
Pictured above: wrinkled canvas

1 comment:

RHB said...

Great post! Great reminder and exhortation! Thank you!