Saturday, May 23, 2009

Notes from a good day

Today was the type of Saturday that hasn't come along in a while. Everyone was healthy and rested. Our agenda was completely blank. The day started with breakfast made side-by-side with my husband. Some women are territorial with their kitchens. On the contrary, I love company when I cook. After an hour or so of lounging, me with a puzzle, Andy with the newspaper, and the kids with books and toys, we decided to head to the local farmer's market.
The farmer's market was busy and full of interesting sights and people. We bought a few things and played in the town square. Then we decided to have lunch out, at a new place, an Australian bakery. I love to try new foods with the kids, and all of our lunches were delicious.

During Lydie's nap, I went out to collect some items for an art project. The boys tried out the pool for the first time this year- not a big hit, too cold! But they all (including Andy) went in and underwater and are now part of the "carbonite club".

Dinner was fun with the usual chaos of all three children trying to talk over one another. Once one of them begins a story, the other one wants to add to it (because mostly all of their adventures are together these days), and the table vibrates with one big, loud voice. We are working on the "one at a time" rule. But their excitement is contagious. And I am enjoying their eagerness, just in case it fades with age. While the kids talked, Andy and I ate-Mexican food and sipped a Sweetwater, a great combination.

After dinner, the kids and Andy jumped on the trampoline while I cleaned the kitchen. I cracked the window so I could mix the laughter of the kids with the jazz music from the kitchen. I had to hand-wash the dishes, but I didn't mind. And a little while later, all the kids' toys were put away. Little hands, faces and teeth were washed. Bed time exercises and reading were done, along with a late devotion. And we left the kids with good books and soft light.

I have just finished an art project. Could there be anything more relaxing than painting with soft raindrops falling outside? Time for a movie, glass of tea, and a soft pillow and blanket shared with Andy. The perfect ending to the perfect Saturday.


Alicia K said...

We love the Farmer's Market on the Square ... it is a usual Saturday outing for the girls and I. Our favorite place to stop on the way out is at the homemade lemonade and limeade stand.

Bloom Where You Are Planted said...

Ohh! This is AMAZING!! Tears just flow flow from my eyes as I read about your wonderful needed that.

I pray that many more of these will come your way soon. :)