Monday, May 18, 2009

Mr. Smart, Absent-Minded Professor

Toot loved exploring Savannah. In the picture, he is using a magnifying glass to look at rocks in the market. He cracked me up on the trolley tour because he missed half the city due to his fascination with the window. He rolled his trolley window up and down, using his mathematical brain to find the perfect heighth of the windshield for optimal wind current. He also loved climbing on and around the statues, touching every plant and rock in town, and playing hide and seek. I love to see his Papa and Uncle Rick's engineering skills coming through in his own personality. He is going to design and build great things one day, I think!
It was so much fun to think about our trip through the eyes of my little ones. I hope and pray we get to travel many, many times during their childhood. These trips make fun memories for all of us!

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