But I was a little stumped on the devotion. Devotion...decorating...devotion...decorating?? Then I began reading a new book, by God's providence, and it all fell into place. A Life That Says Welcome. The title is as lovely as the cover. And I liked the author, Karen Ehman, right away. I liked her for the same qualities that I enjoy in a friend. That is, in her writing, she is very honest with her own short comings, warm, but exhorting. This book is an practical, witty, biblically sound and fast, easy read. I recommend it!
Here is an excerpt:
"God began to teach me that there is a huge difference between entertaining and offering hospitality. Entertaining puts the emphasis on you and how you can impress others. Offering hospitality puts the emphasis on others and strives to meet their physical and spiritual needs so that they feel refreshed, not impressed, when they leave your home." (p.18)
A book that really touched my heart was "First We Have Coffee" by Margaret Jensen. If you get a chance to check it out of your church library or maybe the public library has it, I highly recommend it. I think it goes to the heart of hospitality -- which is a thankful heart.
What a great quote on hospitality! I love it.
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