Monday, July 02, 2007

Sweet, funny kiddo

I have enjoyed watching my little girl create mischief today. Sounds strange to say, but she does amuse me. Curious to a fault, she got "stuck" under the kitchen table earlier. She weaved her body through the chairs, and couldn't remember her path. At the doctor's office (she had her 9 month check up), she was extremely interested in the paper over the examining table, as well as the nurse. She would crawl quickly across the table and then attack the paper, crinkling it between her toes and hands and laugh. She would then point at the nurse and yell for attention. She thought it was funny. And she looked so cute, we couldn't help but laugh.

Then at the store, she began the pointing again. #1 had her in the stroller, following my cart. Everyone that walked by got a point and a babble. It was as if she was asking their name. This is her latest trick, she points or holds things up to me and waits for me to name them. Then she nods her head and tries to mimic the sound. It usually sounds like, "dada" "mama" "gaga" or "dis". Then she nods again as if to say, "Got it."

This afternoon, after a day of tearing up the house (she rippped one of her brother's dollars and chipped one of my trinkets, among other things), she settled down as I was nursing her. She did the usual ritual. While she nurses, she rubs my tummy. Her little pudgy hands go round and round in circles. Her eyes start out wide open and sparkly. Then after a few minutes she dozes off. As I put her up on my shoulder to pat her back and kiss her I felt so connected to her. Her tummy and my tummy were exposed, and as I held her I couldn't feel an ending to my skin and a beginnning to hers.


Wendy said...

She is beautiful!

I loved the story about nursing, so sweet! What a fun age 9 months is!

Glass Half Full said...

Oh I could pinch those cheeks!!! :)

MorningSong said...

Priceless! I miss those moments lately. My youngest is so not baby anymore. He is but he isn't!! I recently looked at some baby clothes that I can't let go of and I am so wanting a baby again!! :)
I hear the third one is easier to snuggle with b/c Mom/Dad realize all the frustrating stages will pass and so they tend to relax instead of trying to rush the progress along. Of course, I don't know if that is true or not. I am mom to two!