Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The part that will live in heaven

"The Author of grace will himself draw my children to I rest in his ability to work through the life of my family. Perfection is not a standard he requires of me as a mother, for his grace extends to me as well as to my children. My heartfelt trust in him will be the fuel that energizes my days as I see him draw my children through this gift (grace) that will serve them their whole lives." from The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson

We were on the way home from being with friends today. From the back of the car #1 quietly says, "Mama, what's our soul?" Disrupted from my mental to-do list, I quickly reply, "Our soul? Oh, our soul is... Our soul is... Hmmm." What a doozy! "Well, you know that part of you that loves Mama? That part of you that loves Jesus. That part of you that cried yesterday because you miss Daddy. That part of you that was happy today to play with Will? Well, that's your soul." Silence. "Oh, so that's the part that will live forever in heaven. Oh."

I began marveling at our souls. I began to be refreshed at the simplicity of the Christian life. It's all about the soul. It's all about living for eternity. My son gave me fresh perspective. Honestly, I don't do so well when my husband is out of town. I miss our bedtime conversations. I miss feeling safe. I miss his coffee breath, truly I do. I miss his laugh. And a phone conversation is just not the same. So today is day 3 of 4 without him and I was really feeling discouraged about the tasks ahead. What if I don't get this or that done? What if I am so overwhelmed that we just sit at home all day tomorrow and every one is grumpy. What if? My son pointed me to Jesus, once more. Through our conversation, I felt a humble sense of worship and joy for serving Him and my husband this week. It really is all about the soul.


MorningSong said...

I am with you on this one! Great answer by the way. My husband left on Sunday am and will be back late friday night. I was feeling weary today and what a great little refresher to read this.

Great word!!

RHB said...

I hear ya! I miss mine terribly when he's not here!