Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter worship

Easter was a beautiful time of worship for me this year because I finally gave in to the urge to watch "The Passion of Christ". I have fought the urge all this time because I did not want to visualize an actor's face when I read about Jesus, Mary or the disciples in the Bible. I felt like even though the plot followed the biblical account, that the imagery would still be a negative thing for my thought life. I was surprised when this year I felt compelled to watch the movie, even though I did so cautiously.

I am so pleasantly surprised at how I felt. As I heard Easter hymns and reflected on Jesus' death and resurrection the next morning, the movie helped me to understand deeper the pain and torment that Jesus went through for me. As I watched the scenes where he was being beaten, scourged, whipped, spit upon, I was so deeply aware of my sin and so sorrowful for it. Even though I wanted to yell through the screen and through thousands of years, "Stop beating my Savior!", I was also keenly aware that my sin was what truly crucified Him. His desire to save me from my sin held him on the cross. His love for me kept Him from walking away from the abuse. My sin drove the nails in His hands and feet. My sin was the reason He refused to rebuke the men who beat Him. He suffered the humiliation of wearing a crown of thorns while being fully God, the king of Kings. I can't tell you the deep sense of love, awe, thankfulness, and worship I feel for my Savior. I am full of humility and sorrow and joy and honor all at the same time. Praise God for his mercy and grace!
Favorite Easter song this year: "Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace", Red Mt. Church, The Gadsby Project
Come boldly to the throne of grace, ye wretched sinners come. And lay your load at Jesus' feet and plead what He has done. How can I come some soul may say? I'm lame and cannot walk. My guilt and sin have stopped my mouth I sigh but dare not talk. Come boldly to the throne of grace. You're lost and blind and lame. Jehovah is the sinner's friend and ever was the same. He makes the dead to hear His voice, He makes the blind to see. The sinner lost he came to save and set the prisoner free. Come boldly to the throne of grace, O Jesus fills the throne. And those He kills he makes alive, He hears the sigh or groan. Bankrupt souls who feel and know the hell of sin within. Come boldy to the throne of grace the Lord will take you in...take you in...take you in.


Wendy said...

I saw it in the theater when it first came out and I watched it again on Friday w/my husband because he hadn't seen it. It is hard to watch, but I think good too.

Anonymous said...

she looks so sweet snuggle in the middle of her big brothers.

Paula said...

What a precious family picture. I know the boys must be proud.