Wednesday, February 28, 2007

#1 shares the gospel with #2

We were getting ready for church on Sunday and I could hear #1 and #2 bickering. I would hear #2 yell at #1 repeatedly and annoyingly. #1's steady response was, "Did you create the world? No, you didn't! It's not your world! It's God's world. SO STOP BEING SO BOSSY!" I liked that response so I just let them work it out. After about five minutes their Daddy and I overheard a beautiful conversation. It went something like this:
#1:When are you going to quick being bossy? Do you know Jesus? I think you need Jesus!
#2:I know Jesus. He died on "da" "cwoss".
#1:Yes, but are you a Christian? I'm a Christian!
#2:I don't know.
#1:Well, you need Jesus 'cuz you have sin and you can't get to heaven like that without Jesus....DAD!!! Come and tell him about Jesus and that prayer!!
So Daddy gets both boys on his lap in our room. He delicately shares the gospel to #2. At the end he asks #2 for a recap. He seems to get the idea...sin, separation, repentance, the cross, Jesus, heaven. Then when my man asks him if he wants to pray right then and become a Christian he says, "No, not wight now. Can I go pway now?"
We just smiled at each other and off they went back to playing. I am grateful for the time with him and the great questions he asked. I am thankful that a seed was planted. I pray that the Holy Spirit will come and water and fertilize that little seed and help it to grow. What an awesome thing it is to see God working in our children's lives!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

How awesome to hear things like this!