Friday, February 09, 2007

Filthy rags

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Matthew 5:8

This morning I read the Beatitudes. I have always been so interested in these special words that Jesus preached. Some of them have baffled me over the years. For example, what exactly is the "pure in heart"? Well, I think I have an idea. I believe the pure in heart are those who obey God simply because they love Him and for His name's sake.

I began to think of how little I really do that! I do that sometimes when the consequences are big. But day to day, do I really? I mean, my husband thinks I'm so sweet and gracious but really most times I am just selfish. I am sweet to him because I want him to love and adore me and think I'm sweet! Often times it has nothing to do with my love for Jesus or for him! It is more about my reputation or my need for praise. And with parenting, often times I just want my kids to turn out well. Sometimes my effort has nothing to do with them loving Jesus or furthering his kingdom, but I just want to look like a good mom or escape embarassment! Of course there is nothing wrong with not being embarassed, my kids turning out well, or being sweet. But my motives are all wrong, quite often.

The thing about being "pure in heart" is you can't muster it up. I am a do-er and a perfectionist. Give me a point scale on Weight Watchers and I will follow it and lose weight. Give me a housework agenda and I will follow it and have a clean house. Give me "100 Easy Lessons..." and my child will be reading in 100 days. I am a fix it kind of person with a lot of will power. But grace towards others and love for Jesus are only found through prayer and time in His Word. That's it. It is not a matter of will, but a matter purely of the heart.

So this morning, I sat at the foot of His throne and asked for His grace and mercy. I begged His forgiveness for my selfishness and asked Him for understanding, wisdom and "pureness of heart". I basked in His love. My friend gave me an analogy straight from Scripture that I loved and used this morning. We tend to want to stand before God in our own righteousness. The problem is, we are naked and filthy in ourselves. But through the blood of Jesus, we are presented before God with a robe of righteousness. (See Galatians) Even in our sin, he wraps it tightly around us. It is warm and smells fresh and looks clean. Knowing what Christ has done for me, reminding myself daily, talking to Him and reading His Word is what leads to being "pure in heart". That is my heart's true desire! And I am so very, very thankful that I have His robe to stand in and not my own filth!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, I needed to hear this.

Kelly said...

Thanks so much for this message- you articulated what I have been feeling exactly (but was not able to put into words!).

RHB said...

Well said! Talked about this the other day in a Bible study at my house- think I'll pass your blog along to my friends. Thank you for sharing!