Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another month bites the dust...

She's 5 months old today. The months are flying by. For some reason, I am faithful at recording her life here on my blog, but not at all in her baby book. I'll have to copy all the info into her book soon. Maybe one Saturday when I'm sitting around sipping mint juleps and eating bon-bons. haha

#3 has filled our house with new sounds and moves this month. She has started to babble, lots of dadada, nanana and some mamas, too. She also screams occasionally. She began to notice and protest when I leave, but then her love for attention pacifies her. She discovered rice cereal and likes it. She began to play in her excersaucer. She can hold up her hands and stare at them, twisting them back and forth, for a good five to ten minutes. She became impossible to put in our lap at the table or computer because she grabs and throws everything. She decided to sleep 9 hour stretches some nights, and wake up twice others. But she has become a great napper- two 2-3 hour naps a day. She figured out how to roll the other way, but often still gets "stuck" on her tummy. She got off of Zantac, shows no signs of relux and now I can eat dairy again. Her wardrobe has finally ventured away from pink, but it is still our favorite. Still no bottles or passies!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Your daughter is so precious!!! I have a 4 month old son (who is also precious, if I do say so myself! :D)

Have a great day!