Tuesday, March 09, 2010

On stage

We had one of those moments today that only happen once in a while. (Here was another one of those moments from two years ago.) They might be easy to miss if we weren't constantly looking and waiting for them. But we've learned to be ever watchful. Today Andy and I nudged each other, without having to exchange glances, knowing that we were watching something significant unfold.
J has talked of working with film (particularly as a screen writer) for years, before most children would know of such a profession. So we agreed that he should try out acting classes this winter for the sake of "learning what the actors do". I could not have predicted how much he would enjoy theatre!
He looked forward to the hour and a half each week as much as his weekly trip to the library. And I didn't think anything this side of heaven could come close to his love for books! (At least not until girls are on his radar! :) )Anyway, we were a little shocked when he came home after the 5th of 8 classes in the winter session with his part for the class play. He was given the part of narrator and he had considerably more to memorize than his classmates. I wondered how he would pull it off. The snow storm last week gave us an extra week, which helped. But still, he had at least 9 or 10 paragraphs to memorize.

Today was the play and he just shined! He remembered everything. He looked incredibly calm and comfortable. (The teacher and several parents even commented on his performance!) I was proud of him for his hard work, but just thrilled to see him feel that amazing sense of being extraordinary at something. I enjoyed praising God with him tonight for God's gifting, giving Him the praise that He is due. I know that joy will enable him to do more with theatre, and hopefully in other areas, for God's glory. What an awesome feeling as a Mom!
Andy and I deeply desire that our children know Him and make Him known- in their own special calling and place. We do not desire wealth, earthly honor, or fame for them (or ourselves). But we pray for them to know the intense joy and satisfaction of giving and receiving the very best that life has to offer by walking with Christ and using all they have and are for His glory on earth. It will be a great honor to see what that will look like in the life of our unique, gifted boy. What a marvelous day!


Anonymous said...

It was beautiful, wasn't it? So proud, so proud. Soli Deo Gloria!

RHB said...

Glad he has found one of his giftings. Very cool that y'all are developing it in him for His glory and fame.