Today's trip was less about the educational content (although it was marvelous), and more about the weather. It was 65 degrees and sunny. I was so thankful to be outside today! I am pathetically miserable during the winter. Afterwards, we invited a few of the boys' buddies over. Now that Lydie is napping, I have time to read and make a spring wreath! Lord, please never make me leave the south!!
The whole group picked turnips. Anybody want some greens?
Lots of beautiful, old barns
The girls were loving the weeds. They made many bouquets. These two are darling. (The girls that is.)
Lydie is learning to push the plow by our friend, "Miss Morning".
Kids really do require so little for entertainment. Glad he likes to harvest. He'll be doing plenty of that soon!

This park ranger grew up in the area. He was so knowledgeable about our natural resources, as well as the Native Americans and their practices. My kids have not learned state history yet, so we were all ears.
The kids got to test the old washing methods. We are all very thankful for our washing machines and dryers!