Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Our big news...

The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof. ~ Barbara Kingsolver
We have recently made a BIG decision for our family! We have decided to leave our school, the best school in the world incidentally, and homeschool. My husband and I have felt like the Lord was calling us to homeschooling all of our children, but we were waiting on His timing. Well, this fall we will be beginning what we hope to be a long journey of homeschooling our three little ones. Jaybird has been at a private school for half of kindergarten and will finish first grade there. Starting in the fall our homeschool will have two students and one cheerleader. We are looking forward to it so very much! We almost feel excited to be leaving a great school because it reassures us that God must be calling us to homeschool if we can't shake the desire, even in the very best environment! If you have any advice, please share!

For those of you that homeschool, here is the curriculum that we have chosen:
Tapestry of Grace (history, Bible, church history, drawing, art, literature, geography)
Explode the Code
Saxon Math
Life Science Units
Shurley Grammar
Institute for Excellence in Writing and Spelling
The Harp and Laurel Wreath Poetry
Classical Kids music
Nature and Artist studies from amblesideonline

All this requires only 4 hours a day! Hopefully we will have time for some special trips, mercy opportunities and lots of play time outside!


Bloom Where You Are Planted said...

Yay!!! :) That's SO awesome! I know you have had a special heart for home schooling, even 4 years ago when we met God was working on creating this dream for you. How exciting! I am only sad that we don't live down the street anymore...I'd for sure want our boys at your house right along side your kids. May God bless you all as you embark on this exciting and rewarding adventure! :)

MorningSong said...

Congrats on your decision!! I am not familiar with all you have listed but I did want to pass on a great math I've run across. We plan to try alabacus next year. I am still finding my way, learning about what is out there!

Blessings to you on this new decision!!

Adie said...

Good for you! I'm always so excited to hear that other parents choose to homeschool, although I would never give my opinion to anyone unsolicited. You now begin your journey as I end mine ~ I finish 18 years of homeschooling in May.

Mary@notbefore7 said...

OH OH OH! I hope you will share more of your experience. I am embarking for the first time this fall as well and lean toward Classical too! Hope we can share encouragement, tips, etc!

I have heard good things about a lot of the curriculum you listed. We are still determining specifics, but are doing Shiller Math, began Explode the Code and will also use Ordinary Parents Guide. We are probably doing Five in a Row for Kindergarten, then we'll add more :)

God continually blesses obedience. I am thankful you feel so confident in your decision. Our choice also had nothing to do with the local school, but more the calling we feel he has laid on our hearts.

Jenn said...

Wow! Congratulations!!!

I love your line-up. Excellent stuff. We started with Saxon and loved it, but ended up switching to Singapore math and love it, too. We follow The Well-Trained Mind recommendations for the Classical Method, which TOG also uses. It looks top of the line. The only thing I would recommend would be to enjoy every minute of it. Enjoy those reading cuddles on the couch....even when they end up lasting longer than scheduled and overriding other lessons. They're worth it. Writing programs are the one thing we're doing differently. I'm holding out on formal writing instructions until middle school - which is next year...ACK! already! and using copywork and dictation for the younger years.

You're going to love this! And by the looks of everything else I've read on your blog, I'd say you are already doing an excellent job of homeschooling your family! God bless!