Monday, February 25, 2008

The faith of a child

Yesterday at the dinner table, Jaybird said, "I would really like for us to live out in the country one day." I said, "Really? Why would you like that?" His reply both shocked and thrilled me. "Well, you see, I would have a secret place for just "Toot" (little brother) and I. It would be at the top of a hill. Daddy could make three wooden crosses. And I would make a wooden sign that said in big letters, "BECAUSE HE DIED FOR ME..." It would be a special place for "Toot" and I to pray and worship God together."

Dear Lord, help me to save my very best treasures and times for you. Help me to have the faith of my little boy. Thank you for sharing his life with me.
*Pictured above: Jaybird a couple of years ago


Bloom Where You Are Planted said...

It does not get more precious and beautiful than that! Praise the Lord for your sweet Jaybird! :) Thanks for sharing that sweet story!

Amanda said...

Hello, I stumbled across your blog through Kim Whorton's. I am a coworker of Ben's. I really love reading your stories about your family. Sometimes I stop by just for a little inspiration on days that I need some encouragement. You post such beautiful scriptures that seem to reach right out and grab me sometimes. God Bless you and your family and thank you so much for sharing your lives this way.
My purpose for the post,though, was to say that that is such a sweet story about such a sweet little guy. His faith is coming from the examples that you and your husband have set for him. You should be proud that you are leading him in such a profound way.