Friday, January 04, 2013

Looking back on 2012, part 2

June brought heat and lots of work on the farm!

Lots of  work on the farm=lots of work in the kitchen.  Good, dirty work!

Joshua's birthday celebration at the Lego Discovery Center...

Lydie's art birthday party...

and Jack's party at the lake!  Birthdays, birthdays, birthdays!!!
The boys went to camp for the first time and had a blast!
The boys discovered the high dive at the pool!
Our precious Ms. Charissa spent an entire month with us!  She was a life saver for us as I was getting my classroom ready and having in-service classes and Andy was running the farm!
We are LOVING the lake house!
We took a wonderful trip to the beach.  Lots of fun time with the kids, my brother's family, and just Andy and I!
Our first day at school!!
Jack's first dance!  Wow, he's growing up.  Love the way the school teaches them all the basic partner dances and helps them along.  So sweet!
And a whole faculty of precious friends for me!

And days of fun with my third grade class like this day on spirit day!
And lots of projects for all three kids, like Josh's viking ship!
And lots of dress up days for Lydie in kindergarten!
Fall meant lots of field trips!
And, as always, sweet time with family, like this Thanksgiving dinner!
Fall brought a new smile!
And a new spine!
And the memorization of loads of verses, poetry, and beautiful songs.  Seeds planted.
And a quiet Christmas with cousins...
and good time together!
And then quiet, sick days at home.  But still, good times!

2012 has been amazing!  Decisions made this year have changed our course completely.  And I love where we are headed.  The children have friends, new mentors (teachers and other adults), and receive an extremely challenging classical curriculum within the context of a community.  We are so happy!  I love the ministry I continue to have with my own family, as well as the fifteen families of my students.  Andy is healing and ready for a new year with little back pain!  And our children are all involved in many areas where they can expand and build on their gifts and talents.  Praying that this year we continue to become who God has designed us to be, always looking to bring him glory!  I am looking forward to 2013 with excitement and hope!!

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