Monday, October 12, 2009

Body image of a different sort

For whatever reason, Lydie has always referred to her girly part as her "body". We are such blubbering idiots, we could never come up with a good nickname. And the real name just seemed way out of her league. We obviously have the maturity in this particular area of a 6th grade boy. Any way, she calls it "her body" and that's been just fine with us.
Well the other morning, I was reviewing our catechism questions. She kept wanting to know if God is a boy or a girl. I kept repeating the answer, "God is a spirit and has no body as we do." And then she would say, "So, boy or girl?" Finally she looked down at her little undies and said as she pointed, "I know God has no BODY! Boy or girl?" Oh. I guess letting her use that word for that part may cause some theological confusion. Silly Lydie and her words!
Moral of the story: Be mature enough to just go ahead and use the icky, anatomically correct words from day one. Creepy, but helpful in the long run.
Pictured: Lydie playing outside. Girlfriend is like a magnet to dirt and water, just like her big brothers!

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