Today Lydie is 2 and a quarter. She has changed so much since her birthday that I thought I would post an update. Lydie is a dramatic, funny, precocious child. She is very expressive and emotional. I guess I would describe her with the exact adjectives as I did a year ago. But it is so much funnier to see this big personality come into being through her speech! She loves to play pretend kitchen, princess and dress up. She wears 10 different pairs of shoes on any given day. She almost turned her hand purple from taking out her hair rubber band during nap and using it as a "base-wet" (bracelet). She loves to be the center of attention, especially when someone will watch her dance or sing. She is a delightful handful.
"Weeping may come for a night, but JOY comes in the morning."
Psalm 30:5
Here are a few things she has said just this week:
~Mommy: Lydie, you are acting like a monster! (under my breath)
Lydie (without missing a beat): I not a mon-ser! I a pumpkin! (with tilt of the head and a smile)~Nana: (Lydie dropped her ball under the china cabinet) Go ahead and reach under there and get your ball!
Lydie: No, I don't get dat ball. You need to get it. I no mess up my bow! (pointing to hair bow)~Toot: Lydie, you are the baby and we are the big brothers.
Lydie: I no the baby. I the princess.
~Mommy: Lydie, lay down it's time for bed.
Lydie: I car-red (scared) of dat bad guy. (pointing to a shadow from her dragonfly)
Mommy: Would you like me to get you a night light?
Lydie: Oh yes, Mommy! (squealing) Then I no car-red. Nope, no more car-red.
~Mommy: Lydie, are you a big girl?
Lydie: I no a big girl. I Diddy Joy (Lydia Joy), dat's all. I two, and I diddy Joy.
*Pictured above: Singing and playing dress-up in my old dress. Great Nana Lydia made it for me when I was five.