We have finally nailed down our tracks and found a groove for the fall. Here is how our weeks generally look:
(Mondays and Fridays we are all at home in the mornings. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays Lydie Joy goes to preschool in the mornings.) My curriculum choices
are here.
6:15- My shower and devotion (ideally)
7:30 Kids breakfast, devotion/Bible, chores, get dressed
8:30 Math, Spelling, Language (Phonics too for Joshua), Reading, Latin
*The boys need my help for about 45 minutes of this 2 hour period. They have become independent learners this year to an extent that I did not expect. I am so thankful!
(9:00 leave for preschool with school work in tow)
10:30 Outdoor break and snack
10:50 History/Writing or project
11:30 Science/Writing or project
12:00 Lunch and circle time
(Circle time is when we work on memory work: verse (trying to memorize the book of James this year), poem, Latin vocabulary and chants, geography (currently states and capitals), math flashcards, songs/hymns (currently America the Beautiful and Fifty Nifty United States)
1:00 Pick up Lydie
*Read aloud during afternoon snack or at bed time
*Book basket time while I cook dinner
**Fine arts Fridays: No history or science lesson. Instead composer study (currently Schubert), artist study (currently Shakespeare), seasonal art projects, geography workbook for map skills, drawing, logic puzzle, and adding our timeline figures to our timeline.
**We take our school in the car on preschool days. The boys keep their lap desks and pencils in the car all the time. I am amazed at how they can continue without skipping a beat! Our goal every day is to be done by 1:00.
**But we seem to take longer on Mondays and Fridays because we have no time constraints. Also, on those days I become Lydie's teacher, too. We work on Horizons pre-K workbook and Before Five in a Row books and art projects during the morning.
**Another positive change: I hired a house cleaning service! These helpers take an enormous amount of pressure off of me! I am SO thankful! Somehow a schedule that looked completely overwhelming a month ago has settled into wonderful, full, but manageable days! This is a
good season!
"It rests well with the parent to consider well the tracks over which the child should travel with profit and pleasure."
~Charlotte Mason