Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Agitations from 4PM

The dishwasher broke and I am finally washing the dishes from today...and yesterday. How long will this take?

My little boy comes downstairs with gum on his shirt and face. How do I get gum out of a shirt?

What will we have for dinner? (The leftovers are calling my name all of a sudden.)

The same little boy can not find his book for reading time. He gets a pen and paper and sets out on a "mystery hunt" that lasts for nearly an hour, and comes up empty. Seriously?

I have 5 minutes to put the clean sheets on the bed. How?

My husband will be gone to youth group to speak tonight, and it's bath night. I have gotten up at 5:30 for the last week. Where will the energy come from?

The cat is scratching...are those fleas?

Is that Lydie I hear singing during nap time??

Frazzled, I send everyone to their room to play for 30 minutes. I spend time talking with the Lord and then remember the cd I borrowed from the library. I have a date with John Coltrane. I feel amazing again. (Even the saddest jazz makes me happy.) And all 99+ dishes are washed and drying. Oh, the healing power of music!

"Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us."
~Martin Luther

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