Sunday, April 30, 2006

Memory Lane

Thank you all so much for the ideas with the housework! I think fly lady is calling our name!

I just got home from a wonderful weekend. My parents took our boys to the beach for three days. This fun adventure for the boys gave my sweetie and me a weekend alone. We decided to spend it visiting our old alma mater. We had the most precious weekend of walking down memory lane. A little brief history...we met our first weekend in college and began spending a lot of time together with other friends right away. By Christmas I was smitten. We became engaged a few years later and married just before we graduated.

Back to our weekend, we got to visit all of our old hang outs. My favorite place that we saw was the park where we used to hike regularly. My man proposed in that park. There is a big hickory tree where he had carved our initials during each year that we dated (see above picture). Under that tree he read the passage in Ephesians 5 of God's design for our marriage. He washed my feet and vowed to serve me (as Christ served his beloved) all the days of our life. He promised to lead through humility and a heart of service. His proposal was so "him". Of course, he has not been the perfect husband all of the time, but he has consistently served me with a humble heart.
We sat under that tree on Saturday and I replayed the day he proposed perfectly in my memory. I remember the magic of that year that we were engaged and the beauty and peace I felt on our wedding day. At the end of the summer we will have our 10th anniversary. I am praising God for my sweetheart. Thank you God for the grace and understanding that you have given to us for one another, despite our flaws. Thank you for the "Song of Solomon love" that I feel for him. I pray that you will continue to give me renewed passion and adoration for my precious husband.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Housework...What is your system?


Okay, I am really behind on housework! If you came to my house, you would think it looks very organized and "clean", but it hasn't had a deep cleaning in 3 weeks! Sure, I've wiped down potty lids and scoured sinks, vacumed messes, but no DEEP clean. (i.e. the dust is REALLY bad, the bathroom floors...well you get the picture!)

I used to have what I considered the perfect system for our family. We did morning chores on a daily basis which consisted of making beds, laundry, cleaning and putting away dishes, sweeping food off of kitchen floor, opening curtains and blinds for the day, and making sure the house was in order. Then every Saturday, or at least 2 a month, my husband took the kids out for "Daddy and Donuts" and then to a park or creek or wherever. I would stay home and clean the house from top to bottom. Our house was always well organized and really clean. Now that I am pregnant, I don't have the energy to spend 5 hours on Saturday cleaning! And I can not squeeze it in during the week! Between homeschool, cooking, helping the kids clean up their messes, and being a mama, friend, church volunteer, daughter, etc. the day is gone!

My homeschool friend recommended "help" with the house when I told her we were going to homeschool. She said I could not survive without it. I feel more certain that I could not survive without the $300+ it would cost a month for "help". Not that I am opposed to a cleaning service, for those of you who have one. But I am stubborn and determined that this should and can be done by me! (Just my personal conviction...and subject to change!:))So how do you ladies do it, particularly you mamas with children at home all day? I am in a rut and need a new system!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My little hiker

My #1 has two favorite hobbies right now...being in the woods and baseball. Of all the skills he uses to enjoy his two past times, his hiking abilities are the most impressive. The kid will complain if he has to walk through Wal-Mart, but can RUN a five mile hike through the woods. He recently went on an overnight camping trip with his Dad, best friend and his best friend's Dad. He was the hiker whiz. We laugh at this picture of him resting because his Daddy found him finally out of energy and that was definitely a Kodak moment!

The first time we went on a hike with him he had just turned 4. We took him on a fairly easy 3 mile trail. At the end of the trail, he said, "Mommy, just leave me here. I am going to spend the night and you can come back and get me." He couldn't wait to give it another whirl. I am so excited that God has gifted him with a love of nature like his Daddy. I enjoy and appreciate God's creation, but these two guys are different. They understand it and are really most comfortable outdoors. Don't they look cute by Daddy's new canoe? They were both so excited to hop in, while Toot and I were nervous that we would fall out!

Thank you God for instilling this beautiful passion in #1's little heart and mind. I can't wait to see how you will use it to your glory!

The verse I have taped to my back window to remind me to stop and enjoy the view:
Psalm 8:3-6
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet."

I am so excited to blog!

It has been a while since I have blogged. Long story, but it is great to be back! I am going to post some pictures of what we have been up to in our play and homeschool time. I hope to hear from you all, I have missed so many of you! If you send a comment, please do not refer to me by name or refer to our home city or state. I am so excited to be blogging!

Above is #2 with the boys' new favorite toy..."headlights" are fun to wear in closets and dark rooms. They like to pretend they are in Narnia.

Another favorite picture from the past week. #1 decided to dig a hole in the back yard. No particular reason, just to get dirty I guess. He found a treasure that he begged to keep. I won this battle and our friend was released into the dirt again.

God has been teaching me so much over the past few months since I have blogged. I am excited to hear what he is doing in your life, too!