Friday, August 01, 2014

Jackson's new room!

 Jack got a room make-over for his birthday.  His Dad made a loft bed for him to give him more room for books and comfortable seats.  Above is his desk and a de-shelved little cabinet used for records and a record player.  The frames hold Poppy's old Beatles albums.
 His Papa's old band poster, along with more Beatles posters and little odds and ends on the wall.  The wall color is his favorite, green.
 His books never look this neat!  He has a few Atlanta memorabilia and a Peter Pan silhouette from a play he was in last year.
 His guitar, along with a new chair and light complete all he feels he needs! (His clothes are on shelves and hangers in his closet.  He is such a boy...not a mirror to speak of. (That's what the bathroom is for, he says!)
 The loft bed is painted a deep gray.  Later, we added wooden pieces under each corner.  It just made me too nervous suspended like that!  We also added a ladder!
 We used clipboards for favorite quotes and verses, mainly mine, that serve as good reminders before walking out the door!
 Can't believe he is FOURTEEN YEARS OLD!
 His first look...
 He was really excited and appreciative!

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