Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mother's Day

I had a sweet day this year. Roses, gift card, breakfast in bed, and sweet notes from everyone. After a wonderful service at church, we met both sets of grandparents and my brother and sister in law and their kids at The Melting Pot. I love a meal at this restaurant because it takes several hours to get through all the courses leaving time to talk to everyone. Funny thing, my Mom picked out the exact gift for me that I gave her- a potted geranium! And my Mother-in-law gave me an owl for my new classroom, which was so thoughtful. It is so nice to feel appreciated.  That evening we sat around and allowed ourselves to be completely lazy- reading, playing the Wii, and chatting. I feel so overjoyed for the privilege to parent these three amazing people and to have a Mom and Mother-in-law who love us.

The children's cards were all darling. Here is what Jackson's said:

Dear Mom.
Let me count all the things I love about you.
1. You really, really, REALLY like hugs!
2. You are passionate about cursive and history.
3. You are very good at multi-tasking. (He inserted a picture of Lydie crying, Josh saying his finger hurts, and Jack asking for help with math.) :)
4. You are loving and caring. (He drew a caption of himself saying he lost his spelling book and me saying, "That's okay, dear."
5. You can draw a mean Garfield.
6. You are good to have on a basketball team. (With a picture of me playing basketball with Andy, shoving him and telling him, "You're in my way!!")
7. You make really, really good food.
And most importantly...You're MOM!

Isn't that the sweetest? Hope all the Moms out there felt celebrated! (**Pictures to come**)

"I desire to be a Mother, if only to give food to the craving activity of my soul. Maternity is an enterprise in which I have opened an enormous stake...Motherhood will develop my energy, enlarge my heart, and compensate me for all things by infinite joys!"
-Honore de Balzac

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