Sunday, December 18, 2011

Loving it all

Saturday and Sunday we were with my husband's family. It was a nice couple of days. Lots of eating and playing. And after the kids went to bed, Andy, Papa, and I carried on with our usual tradition of "debating" philosophical and theological topics until someone insists that it is bed time. Andy and I had to stay up an extra hour to "talk it out" so that we wouldn't go to bed angry after our debate on women in the workplace. I won't elaborate, except to say it's all good now. :)

Lydie and I baked these Rudolph cupcakes together on Friday.

Mimi saving us from the usual mantel malfunction. One Thanksgiving there was a real, live fire on that mantel. Candle + greenery= fire extinguisher

"I promise these pictures will be fun to look at in 10 years, kids." Sighs, moans, fake smiles abound.Lydie's favorite seatAfter a beautiful church service with Mimi and Papa, we ate burgers and came home. Time for a movie and snuggles, then our advent devotion on the sofa. Is there any season more wonderful than Christmas? (I think not!)

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