Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dear Josh,

Today you are nine years old. You are happy, comfortable in your own skin, and brilliant. Your tender heart, quiet disposition, and creative mind intrique me. I love to watch you draw or build. You are an encouragement and I love that you help without wanting recognition. You are a delight, sweet boy! Your passion for Jesus is growing, growing. You ask very mature questions and defend your faith with fervor. On the other hand, you are innocent and silly often! I think you are practically perfect.

Here's what you love at this time in your life:


Gatorade (red, of course)

Hershey bars

Wheat Thins

Meat...ribs, pork chops, burgers


Baseball (Braves)

Swimming in the lake

Building with legos



Art class

Playing with your brother

Taking care of your sister (even though she is fiercely independent!)

Your favorite friend is the same one that you have cherished since you were one- James

You are neat, precise, and quick with school work!

Your least favorite subject: creative writing

Your favorite subjects: Math and Chemistry

Things you dislike: when I take your picture, riding in the car, too much talking, dressing up

You get up before me or your siblings, usually around 6:00 am.

You fall asleep before we can get out of your room at night (usually around 8:30 pm).

You also love to travel, particularly to the beach.

Happy birthday, son! You are so, so, SO loved!!

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